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Our present situation:
I am not living in Lima with my cats tribe.
Long story short:
Rojelio died in my arms a few days after my birthday I then I really needed a “break” from all the stuff that has going on for so long… So I travelled to Oxapampa looking for a new place to live in the nature – but this “plan” doesn’t work out as I thougth – also another very heavy story.
Now some of the cats are affected on their HEALTH state …. As I miss them, THEY also miss me and OUR LIFE TOGETHER and they have becoming sad… Inside like outside …
Also my friend who is looking after the cats is not longer able to cover the costs of food and medicine by his own…
WE need your support to IMRPOVE and UPGRADE the cats state of Health!
So CATLOVERS & VEGANS – it would be great if you could be a part of my mission and send us life-changing DONATIONS or become PATRONS.
The cats tribe need daily about 2kg of dry catfood and 3kg of wet food per week.
According to the current calculation, we need about 9 big bags (7kg) of dry food (9x 180,- = 1.620,- Soles) and 13kg of wet food/offal (13x 10,00 = 130 Soles).
At all around 1.750,- Soles = 500,- Euro per month.
Besides the dry food they love their fruits and veggies… YEAH…. THEY REALLY LOVE IT, too 😉
(bananas, granadillas, papayas, cherrimoyas, mangos, cumber, potatos, quinoa).
To build our new home with a big house or several little
houses /buildings we will need materials like bamboo, timbers,
nails, ropes, cables, tubes and many more…… and of course HELPING HANDS.
And most important: first of all we need a SUITABLE PROPERTY (plot of land).
For regular monthly deworming we will need 200 Soles (approx. 60 Euro) per year.
In additional there will be costs for the vet (blood/urine checks and dentist treatment).
Blood Test inkl. Leukemia:
One blood test costs 270 Soles. For all 15 cats: 270 x 15 = 4.050 Soles (approx. 1.200 Euro)
Dentist Treatment:
For one cat 120 soles = 40 Euro.
Actually there are 2 cats who need the dentist treatment but maybe there are more.
This depends on the GENERAL HEALTH CHECK that we need to pass.